Saturday, October 29, 2005


After sometime, life becomes just acceptance. No, not submission or defiance but acceptance. Submission involves active surrender with passive resistance and defiance is active resistance and passive surrender. But mere acceptance is just taking what comes by, no agitation whatsoever. Soon enough, you realize there is no need for one to be in conformity or holding challenges in the toils of life. Survival of the fittest seems to be the law of the jungle. So does the pangs of the subjugated. You become indifferent to defense and deference. Acceptance is more like the process of thinking than the conclusions of thought. Conclusions of thought generally results in submission, defiance or confusion, but the process of thinking just keeps one going. Acceptance is similar to the silence of death after a chaotic bloody war or a calm before a storm, living neither in the fear of the past nor in the insecurity of the future, but in the present, nay, it is verily the present.


Anonymous said...

Dear Kasthuri,
boohoo (this is the second time I am uttering such a cry on the internet)...Blogosister Parvati has beaten me to your blog first!

cool post Kasthuri, acceptance is verily the state that matters but one must also be conscious of what one is accepting..
the acceptance you speak of comes only when human intellignece measures itself against the cosmic scale of things and sees the insignificance of our hang-ups.
then "intelligent quiescence " is born..

TJ said...

Thanks Kasthuri, for this enlightening post!
Acceptance is all the more practiceable, if we have advaita on the back of our mind. Everything and anything is Him and His.
You dont have two entities to submit one to another or to defy one against another.

Aakashat Patitam toyam sagaram pratigachathi.

Kasthuri said...

@ parvati : Thank you so much for the patient reading and magnanimous comments each time. Every line of yours is worth several thoughts. Your active way of writing comments rightly justifies that you are energy incarnate.

@ anand : I realized I didn't answer to your comments in the last post. It was caught in between the conversation of Rajesh and Parvati. Nice thoughts there and here.
Acceptance is not born out of insignificance. If so, it'll have a shade of pessimism. The one I am talking about is devoid of any pessimism. It's just acknowledging the things as they are.

@ tj : One need not subscribe to Advaita to resign. Acceptance is not holding to a single principle but a constant meditation of the One helps getting into such frame of mind.

@ tech : I slightly differ from the view and say that if acceptance is attempted it'll change the response of the mind to the ongoing events resulting in disharmony. Btw, how do u say knowledge is finite ? What do you mean by knowledge and what you are measuring knowledge to ?

Paavai said...

love this post

krishna said...

Dear Kasthuri

Thanks 4 such an enlightening post..

I believe that accepting whatever life we have got and surrendering at his lotus feet is the best thing to do

This , i guess comes straight out of the simple reasoning. (as u have pointed out) By comparing the greatness of our mental faculty with the macro-cosmos, we can only accept things as they are.

Kasthuri said...

@ krishna : Really true. Surrender is the secret of success.

@ tech : Interesting...

Arvind Srinivasan said...


I 'accept' your theory :-D