Monday, October 31, 2005

Revolutionary Evolution.

Okay, this gives enough fodder for a post. I really don't understand why it is so difficult to accept the theory of evolution. My understanding fails if someone says evolution is against the theory of intelligent design. I don't see how they combat with each other. Why should natural selection be considered as an unguided process ? For me, evolution is just metamorphosis of things from one state to another. While it is true that natural selection doesn't pre-suppose any intelligent engineer, it doesn't rule that out as well. The silence of Buddha misconstrued as a nod for atheism marked the alienation of Buddhism in India. Similarly, holding evolution and intelligent design in opposition will only divorce science from its honest inquiry. In my opinion, any consistent doctrine should involve both - the theory of evolution and the theory of intelligent design.


TJ said...

oh! no, not again!!
The religious/evangelical lobby is so powerful to question every theory, and artificially create the Religion against Science stance! As you said, a plain open stand, only would take us to the best of both worlds.

ada-paavi!!!! said...

'education is nothing but mass hypnosis' robert persig in aen and motorcycle

and the religious body (church) is using it to hypnotise society

NaiKutti said...

evolution says that things have come up by random mutations... if that were the case, then there are so many things that are so damn complex and the probablity that it came up by random mutation would fail... for e.g., spider building a web, a bee-hive -- by theory of evolution this means that these things have come by randomly... but come on, such a well-engineered design and usage of such materials cannot be random... so there needs to be some intelligent design (lets not get religion into it).. so evolution or rather adaptaion must have been there along with intelligent designs...

also evolution assumes that cells were there... but cells by itself are so complex and may not have evolved...

Ganesh said...


Happy Deepavali.

BTW Ganga snanam aacha ;)

Krish said...

Happy Deepavali KS :-)

Gnana Kirukan said...

Happy diwali Kasthuri

Niagra Snanam Aaacha :))

Kasthuri said...

@ tj : True. We never had evolution in opposition.

@ vatsan : mmm.. I think there was never a time when science was not opposed by the religious lobby. But, it is good that science marches ahead in spite of these troubles.

@ parvati : Nice comments again. Good illustration about process and personality. I think it would be the start of a right attitude as soon as science understands the importance of the personality along with the process. There will be more benifits if religion accepts the process than being blindly obsessed with presonality.

@ naikutti : True that evolution cannot explain everything. The complex varieties needs intelligent engineer. But just attributing everything to the engineer doesn't solve the case either. It's like the argument between free will and determinism.

@ ganesh, thennavan, arjuna : Thanks. Wish you the same, guys. Probably I should have gotta a sombu full of water when I visited Niagara !