Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Exaggeration - A Weakness ?

While seeing a comment for a post, I was really taken into a thought about 'exaggeration' and 'weakness'. Why should 'exaggeration' be thought of as 'weakness' ? Can't it be the greatest expression of the spirit that God has given us. Can't it be an inspiration that came out of a deep thought ? Can't it make our hair stand erect and we feel like moving a mountain ? Did anyone find the songs of Barathi 'weak' ? Did he not show the strength in exaggeration ?


swami said...

Kasthuri - When somebody is trying to make a point about weaknesses in Indian education system, you expect logical arguments - not baseless hyperbole...

Kasthuri said...

When you say 'baseless hyperbole' you have to say what is your base. Afterall isn't that the same logic that teaches a hyperbole can be straight (in hyperbolic geometry). It is just a way of looking at things. I think the difference is that you are looking into the content while I am looking at the message. It is something like looking at different places in the Escher's art to find contradictions while I am looking at the whole picture to appreciate the beauty in it !

Kasthuri said...

Btw, I guess one should also look into situations when things had be said. All the songs that Barathiyar wrote for freedom movement will not make any sense now. This (SV's article)was written some 100 years before.

Kasthuri said...

I don't consider things as weak if it induces strength is somebody. But, it can vary with people's definition. Thanks Satya btw !